Ramon Pimentel Reviews "Tell Me How it Ends"

Ramon Pimentel
December 13, 2017

Reading "Tell Me How it Ends" gives me a recollection of all the stories that were told to me as a kid, with the majority of my family being undocumented immigrants and having to come here to the United States by crossing the border. This book was a refresher about hearing the sad stories of people getting lost and a mixed emotion of hope, fear, and skepticism.

Even though this book does talk about the reasons why most of the kids left their country and why they are here in the United States, it still shows a different perspective that I'm not used to. Most of the kids there were big asked why did they come to the United States? Why did they have to leave their country of origin? And so a major reason why I was so intrigued by this book was the fact that it put the reader in the shoes of these five, six, or even four year-olds as they hear the monstrosities that they went through. I truly believe that no one would be brave enough to do what these kids have to do to have a better life, first they have to escape the dangers of their country, then they have to cross not even one but sometimes two or three borders (since their country may be in South America and they had to cross Guatemala's border and also Mexico's border and finally to the most hopeful but deadly one of them--the United States border). 

"Tell Me How it Ends" gives us not how the kids got here but the side barely anyone sees: the process of coming to a new country and assimilating to the culture, and for some cases forgetting their own culture or feeling as if they have no culture since they left when they were so young. 

I challenge you all who read this book not to simply read it because it's a task but to read this book with the mindset that you're the kid who has taken the journey to the promised land where you are told you are going to be safe here only to be at risk of being forced back to your country despite the threat on your life. I challenge you readers to read this book and put yourself in the shoes these kids and feel how it's like to go through a life-threatening journey and having to assimilate to a whole new country's culture and basically be reborn as an individual.

Ramon Pimentel