
From Our News Archive

F&C alumni spotlight of Jennifer Jiminian, Hunter College class of 2023

F&C alumni spotlight of Kevin Medina, Stony Brook University class of 2023

The 2023 Jon Carlo Dominguez award goes to Shanthal Ramos Bueno, a senior at University Heights High School.

"I decided to enter the field of social work because of some of the things I saw growing up.

“Reading the students’ papers, I’d think, ‘Wow, I never thought about it this way,’ though I’ve read these texts five, six times,” Abel said.

Columbia Neighbors Newsletter highlights four seniors from Fre

In an interview for New York's 

In an article for The Bronx's 

In an opinion piece for the New York Daily News, F&C Director Roosevelt Montás writes about discovering Socrates as a teenage immigrant living