Summer Seminar

Explore the Summer Program

daily schedule
Daily Schedule

How do we pack a semester's worth of learning into three weeks? Check out a sample of our daily schedule.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

What does Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail" have in common with Plato's Crito? A lot. 

Ramon on his bed
Dorm Life

Is living on a college campus fun? stressful? weird? smelly? a great place to meet new people? yes.

Tamara with Students

Our esteemed faculty come from Columbia and Princeton and consider this course to be the highlight of their year.

John McWhorter
John McWhorter
Guest Lecturers

Learn more about the guests lecturers and seminar leaders we have invited to speak to students in past summers.

Gabriella at the Museum of Chinese in America
Field Trips

Our summer trips are a chance to see how the ideas we're reading about in books get applied in the real world.