Learn More About Intimate Partner Violence

Our Top Picks


Private Violence

From HBO

This documentary follows the story of several women who are fighting to protect their lives from intimate partner violence. 

You can view the video on HBO or find out more on the film's website.


A History of Domestic Violence

From National Public Radio

From NPR:

A personal dispute can quickly become a public nightmare, especially when guns are involved. The man who killed 26 people in a church in Texas had been convicted of domestic abuse and statistically, more than half of America's mass shootings involve a perpetrator who was violent toward a partner or relative. What is the link between domestic violence and mass shootings? If you are in a violent relationship and need help, the domestic violence hotline is 1−800−799−7233 or go to thehotline.org.


The Price of Safety

By Sara Jane Shoener

Read our book review of The Price of Safety by Sara Jane Shoener