Immigration And Citizenship

Immigration and citizenship are topics that are closely linked to perceptions of belonging and national identity. We will encounter Randolph Bourne's essay, "Trans-national America," published in 1916. He investigated the concept of a multicultural and cosmopolitan America, lauding the contributions of immigrants while advocating against stringent assimilationist policies. We will also read "A Chinese View of the Statue of Liberty" by Saum Song Bo, a Chinese immigrant who penned it in 1885. We'll discover how Bo views the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of hope and opportunity for immigrants in search of a better life. Both books challenged popular perceptions of immigration by stressing immigrants' contributions and perspectives and arguing for a more inclusive and humane approach to immigration and citizenship.

Saum Song Bo was a Chinese student in New York who, when asked to contribute a donation to the Pedestal Fund of the Statue of Liberty, wrote "A Chinese View of the Statue of Liberty." His letter was published in the October issue of American Missionary. He explains the offensive nature of being asked to donate to the Pedestal Fund since the Chinese Exclusion Act denied him and his countrymen the benefits of American Liberty.

Randolph Bourne (1886-1918) was a well-known American writer and thinker who advocated for progressive views on citizenship, immigration, and nationalism. As the child of immigrants, Bourne has direct knowledge of the difficulties that immigrants endure in America. His 1916 article, "Trans-national America," called for valuing cultural variety and the contributions of immigrants. Bourne argued for a diverse society that valued multiple identities, opposing the dominant assimilationist narrative of the period. His work continues to be influential in the American debate about immigration and identity.

Today’s readings explore Immigration and Citizenship in relation to national identity and sovereignty. Notice how immigration is a central political question of national and international politics across time.