Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" and "Beyond Vietnam" are two remarkable and significant publications by the American civil rights icon. These papers, written at various phases of Dr. King's involvement, give unique insights into his moral and philosophical musings on racial justice, nonviolent resistance, and the larger fights for equality. They are still relevant today, urging readers to face chronic injustices and drive significant social change.

These works demonstrate his devotion to nonviolent protest and provide light on his era's systematic racism, socioeconomic injustice, and militarism. Dr. King's writings and speeches shaped the civil rights movement and continue to inspire campaigners for justice and equality all across the world.

As you read these famous speachs from MLK think about how can we discern and respond to unjust laws in our own society? What is the responsibility of individuals and communities in challenging unjust systems? How does nonviolent resistance challenge existing power structures? 

You may also want to take a close look at the interconnection between racism, poverty, and militarism. How do these issues intersect and impact marginalized communities? What steps can be taken to dismantle these interconnected systems of oppression?